Friday, December 9, 2011

Santa's Beard!

In the bath tonight, Addison gave herself a bubble beard and said, "I'm Santa. It's Christmas! I bring pink presents!" I thought that was pretty cute.
I love the mind of a two year old! When asked what she wanted for Christmas this year, Addison told me she wanted 1. a ball 2. a magic flower (a reference to her attendance at the play Beauty and the Beast- see older post for pics) 3. a heart 4. a baby pumpkin -----all items she already owns! :) That was about a month ago and her list has remained the same, but she has added that she would like a "Minnie Mouse" and just tonight she informed me she also wants a "pink princess." We will see what Santa brings! ;)

Living at Grammy's House

Muffin doesn't usually let the little girls play with her, but yesterday Muffin decided she wanted to cuddle with Addison and let her pet her.

Currently, Addison and I are living at my parent's house waiting for our apartment to be available. Originally, Steve and I had planned to purchase a home in Ohio; however, it did not work out as we had intended. We had trouble finding anything we liked and after finding one home that we did like, we lost it during negotiations. I even flew up to Ohio to help Steve find something, but nothing seemed to be right for us.

I had been praying ever since we accepted this relocation offer to Ohio that Steve and I would find a beautiful home that would help us with this difficult transition. We are leaving our beloved Oklahoma where our roots are planted very deeply with having so much family close by and a close network of friends. During my visit with Steve, we both realized that God wanted us to not buy a home right now and to take an apartment that Steve had found. They are smaller than what we are used to, but they are brand new and it feels nice that we will be the first people to live in it.

I feel very sad that we won't be moving into a home and that we have to leave A LOT of our belongings in storage here in my parent's warehouse, but I really feel at peace about this move. I know that God really wants us in Ohio right now and I think our family will be experiencing a lot of growth. I even think that living in a fairly small two bedroom apartment will ultimately draw us closer together and will really be a rewarding experience for us. I hate change and have spend my entire life fighting against it, but I feel equally excited and nervous about this move. I am ready to embrace life in Ohio, so please Redwood apartments hurry and finish soon!

Beauty and the Beast

At a special tea party before the play began, the girls received a magic rose. They also got to listen to a performance by Bell and Gaston and got to take pictures with them. Here are the three girls chasing each other before the play begins. The girls loved the roses because they light up when you push the button!

Addison has been in an anti-picture phase. She doesn't like to have her picture taken and runs away most of the time, so sorry that a lot of the pics aren't the best. Here is Addison in her Belle costume. I loved that I was able to find it in a toddler size (and on sale!), so it didn't drag all over the floor!

Waiting for the play to begin!

Mommy and Addison at the special tea party!

I'm posting this really late, but I definitely wanted to share Addison's first time seeing a play! My mom bought tickets for Tyler, Jen, Bryn, Makenna, Addison, and myself to go see OCU's production of Beauty and the Beast. They were bringing in professional costumes and everything. We had a wonderful time, even though the girls were too tired to stay for the entire thing. Addison became very concerned when they locked up Bell's father. Even after he had been released, she kept asking me where he was and if he was okay. Her favorite character was Gaston. She said he was a "nice guy." :)