So it's official. . . this week Steve will be a dad and I will be a mom! I can't believe how quick we've gotten here. Actually, the first six months seemed to go by so slowly. You decide you are ready to have a baby, and then you have to wait at least 9 months on top of that before the baby actually comes! The last three months, however, have gone by SO fast!
This last week EVERYONE has been saying to me, "I bet your ready to get that baby out of you" or "I bet your so sick of being pregnant." They all keep saying that they were so ready to have their pregnancy over at this point. But, I really don't feel that way right now and for many different reasons. My pregnancy has been really good and smooth. Yes, I'm uncomfortable at this point, but I'm not just dying to where I really want to get her out of me. So, I'm worried that the next stages of life (labor, delivery, bringing her home) won't go well. I also have always had major fears about labor/birth. I am a big baby when it comes to pain- well, the kind of pain that you know is coming. Fall down and scrape your knee and it's not that big of a deal, but know that they are going to stick a needle in me and I'm going to be having major pain- that's not okay. I also told Steve that maybe it's weird, but I know Addison right now. She and I have a connection. I know what times of day she will be kicking around a lot- she already has some personality going on. She thinks it's really funny to kick me like crazy until Steve puts his hand on my belly and then she stops! So, I'm afraid that she will be born and then suddenly I won't know her anymore.
Inside, I know everything is going to be okay, but I still worry. I think my biggest fear is that she will be born and that I will not know what to do at all. I just really don't want to hold her in my arms and for Steve to see me and to feel like I'm not a good mom. He feels so comfortable with babies and has had a lot more experience in the baby department (lots of babysitting nephews and neices) than I do. I just hope that I don't turn out to be a disappointment to him. I do know that I'm going to give this everything I've got, so that definitely has to come for something.
So, the plan is that on Wednesday night at 8:00p.m. I'll check into Mercy Hospital. They will give me medicine to soften my cervix and then Thursday morning they will give me pitocen to really send me into labor. At some point, I plan to have an epidural and then at some point on Thursday hopefully we will see little Addison. I'm filled with nervousness and fears, but at least after Thursday I will have my beautiful baby girl with me and I can finally hold her in my arms.