The dress Addison was blessed in: Here is the other dress we tried on Addison. This dress was made by my mother. I was blessed in this dress when I was a baby.
It's a beautiful dress- very long!
There are a lot of pearl buttons that had to be buttoned!
She looks like she's enjoying herself here.
We blessed Addison on June 28, 2009. We started the morning with my mom coming over to help me bathe Addison and get her dressed. It was really special for me and mom to have her help get Addison ready for the blessing. For me, I really loved watching Grammy Larsen getting Addison dressed because my mom actually sewed the dress that Addison wore when my older brother, Tyler, was a baby. My mom sewed the dress on a treadle sewing machine. A treadle sewing machine is not electric, so you have to pump the foot pedal the entire time you are sewing. It's a LOT of work. I asked mom why she sewed the dress this way and she said that she wanted the dress to be extra special. Sadly, Tyler didn't get to wear the dress because some people in her family told her it was too girly for Tyler to wear, but Kimber and I both were blessed in this dress.
The blessing was a very special event. In attendance: Jan and Brad Larsen (Grammy and Poppa), Brenda and Dennis Dodson (Nanna and Grandpa), Tyler and Jen Larsen (Uncle and Aunt), Makenna and Brynlee (cousins), Letty and Art Castillo (friends), Norm and Jo Hollingsworth (friends), Curtis Crane (friend), Tom and Melissa Connolly (Uncle and Aunt), Nate Connolly (cousin), Tim and Catie Gregory (friends), and Tyler Prescott (friend). In the blessing circle: Tyler Larsen, Tom Connolly, Brad Larsen, Curtis Crane, Tyler Prescott, Tim Gregory, and Steve of course. Bishop Datin held the mike. (Jimmy and Camilla Joern were suppose to be there to be a part of the blessing, but they were on a cruise. Also, many other family members wanted to make it but were not able to)
The blessing itself was very special. For one, Steve actually annunciated (if you know him then you know this was a miracle) and he gave a very thoughtful and sweet father's baby blessing. Steve blessed her that she was privileged to be born into an LDS family and that she should take advantage of it. He also blessed her that she would be an example to others and that they would see her relationship with Christ and would want them same relationship with him. He blessed her with health through the Word of Wisdom and that by following it she would have all the health and strength she would need in this life. Steve blessed her that she would be a good young woman and that she should follow the Strength for Youth guidelines and principles. She was blessed to hold the principles of the church higher than the principles of the world. He blessed her that when the time came she would find a person that would make her happy and would uplift her. Steve also said that before the blessing he felt the impression to say that Addison would be able to read the scriptures and interpret them. He felt that he did not develop that until he was a little older, and he feels that it is something important for Addison to develop in her life.
That evening, we had a little celebration dinner and my parent's house. We had a wonderful meal and just passed Addison around for everyone to see and hold. It was a very special event of Addison's life and we're glad that we were able to share it with so many people.
The blessing was a very special event. In attendance: Jan and Brad Larsen (Grammy and Poppa), Brenda and Dennis Dodson (Nanna and Grandpa), Tyler and Jen Larsen (Uncle and Aunt), Makenna and Brynlee (cousins), Letty and Art Castillo (friends), Norm and Jo Hollingsworth (friends), Curtis Crane (friend), Tom and Melissa Connolly (Uncle and Aunt), Nate Connolly (cousin), Tim and Catie Gregory (friends), and Tyler Prescott (friend). In the blessing circle: Tyler Larsen, Tom Connolly, Brad Larsen, Curtis Crane, Tyler Prescott, Tim Gregory, and Steve of course. Bishop Datin held the mike. (Jimmy and Camilla Joern were suppose to be there to be a part of the blessing, but they were on a cruise. Also, many other family members wanted to make it but were not able to)
The blessing itself was very special. For one, Steve actually annunciated (if you know him then you know this was a miracle) and he gave a very thoughtful and sweet father's baby blessing. Steve blessed her that she was privileged to be born into an LDS family and that she should take advantage of it. He also blessed her that she would be an example to others and that they would see her relationship with Christ and would want them same relationship with him. He blessed her with health through the Word of Wisdom and that by following it she would have all the health and strength she would need in this life. Steve blessed her that she would be a good young woman and that she should follow the Strength for Youth guidelines and principles. She was blessed to hold the principles of the church higher than the principles of the world. He blessed her that when the time came she would find a person that would make her happy and would uplift her. Steve also said that before the blessing he felt the impression to say that Addison would be able to read the scriptures and interpret them. He felt that he did not develop that until he was a little older, and he feels that it is something important for Addison to develop in her life.
That evening, we had a little celebration dinner and my parent's house. We had a wonderful meal and just passed Addison around for everyone to see and hold. It was a very special event of Addison's life and we're glad that we were able to share it with so many people.
This almost made me cry, I really wanted to be there and it breaks my heart that we couldn't come. The dress is beautiful and yes a very special tradition. We used the same baby blanket that I was blessed with for Lukas.