Sunday, May 31, 2009

Addison's First Trip to Church

Jen and I are playing with Addison.
Addison sure loves being the center of attention!

Not the most modest child. She had bloomers on until she blew out her diaper at church and got a little bit on her bloomers.

Her face is telling everyone to back off!

Brynlee loved holding onto her cousin Addison! I think they are going to be great friends!

Aren't these cute cousins!

They grow up so fast. . . . Addison is already flipping the bird!

Addison kept trying to nurse on Brynlee's elbow and Brynlee kept trying to play with Addison's face and eat her fingers!
Makenna and Grammy were both on the verge of being asleep. Steve tried to capture it because they looked so much alike, but Makenna saw the camera and of course had to give us her camera smile.

Chillin' in the boppy!

She started smiling at everyone, but we haven't caught it on camera. . . .yet.

Addison's second favorite activity: sleeping. Favorite activity-eating/being held

Sleeping anywhere. . .anytime

We finally took Addison to church. I hadn't taken her yet since she had so much trouble gaining weight and I was really worried about her going to church and getting sick, so today was her first trip to church. It was an interesting day.
I'm quickly learning that you have to give yourself lots of extra time to get ready with kids and even then it sometimes isn't enough. We did make it to church on time, but barely. Of course the minute I put her in the car she started spitting up and choking! I'm just glad I put a bib on her.
At church, Addison decided to spit up all over me! I told Addison "Hey, I brought extra clothes for you, but I didn't bring any extra clothes for me!"
Overall, Addison did really well at church. She was quiet through most of church. Our Sunday school class that Steve and I teach (Valiant 11/12) really enjoyed having her as part of our class. Of course, Addison decided to be "naughty" (that's how Steve described it) during class. I was giving the lesson and Steve sat in the back of the classroom feeding the baby. He changed her poopy diaper and then started feeding her. Suddenly, she lets out a HUGE fart and all of the class turns around and looks at Steve. The kids were like, "was that you or the baby?" Steve was like "Sorry guys, she's a baby." Steve changed her poopy diaper again and he tells me it was the biggest blowout he's ever seen from her. Good job Addison.


  1. She's so pretty Danielle! Look at those big eyes and that dark hair! I'm so glad she's gaining weight now and that you're able to take her to church. She's adorable!

  2. Wow, she is a gorgeous little girl. And that dress is darling! You'll have to tell me where to find cute girl clothes (since I am definitely a novice at shopping for baby girls.)

  3. I think I HAVE to find out now what I'm having so I can get me hand me down's from you (if it's a girl) adorable!

    She looks a lot like her Daddy..sorry Danielle maybe the next one :o)

  4. She is so cute guys!! I love all of that hair. I can't wait to see her. Hopefully you are planning on coming to the family reunion!!

  5. Nice flip off picture (Danielle I found funny)
