Sunday, January 31, 2010

9 month checkup!

Thursday morning Addison had her 9 month checkup. We almost missed it, because of the crazy weather and I almost forgot! So, daddy and I both went to this checkup. Addison now weighs 15 lbs. 8 oz (4%); she is 26 inches long (7%), and her head circumference is 17 inches (26%). So, basically Addison is little! The doctor said she is fine; that she is small, but she is continually growing so he's not worried about her development. Developmentally, she is on track so no worries there. The doctor did say we could go ahead and start feeding her breakfast in addition to breastmilk. The best part of her 9 month checkup- no shots! I thought she was going to get shots, but the doctor said they only give makeup shots at 9 month if they have missed some. It was very nice going to the doctor together as a family. We are so glad we have our healthy, happy baby! She is a wonderful blessing!


  1. Holy tiny baby! Eisley was 15 lbs 13 oz at her six month checkup! Of course we've been feeding her oatmeal for breakfast and dinner for the past month. And her head...don't worry it's in the 85th percentile. My family has big heads. I didn't know they didn't get shots at nine months! That's great! That's her next checkup and I hate shots. Anyway I'm glad you're all doing well! I can't believe she's 9 months already!

  2. I always think Addison looks so cute and funny when I help her stand up, because she is so small it seems like she shouldn't be able to do that! I guess your baby needs a big head because she has a lot of brain power! Hopefully your daughter won't get shots at her nine month appointment; I always thought she got shots at that appointment, but my doctor said no. That made me very happy, because I really hate shots!
