Addison and Steve climbed to the top of a slide. I was waiting with Bryn and Jen to follow after them. Steve told me that he let Addison go down on her own and she went down 2/3 of the slide fine. Towards the end of the slide, Addison ended up rolling and she began to cry. Jen and I heard her cry on the other side of the slide, but it didn't sound bad or particuarly distressing. When I went down the slide; however, I was greeted by Steve with Addison in his arms, her shoes/his shoes in his arms, and Addison's butterfly backpack. "We have to go" Steve whispered urgently.
"What, why?" I asked confused.
"Addison broke her arm."
Steve says I overreacted and was "causing a scene", but you have to understand that this all happened in 10 seconds and I was still wrapping my head around what had happened.
Addison's arm looked swollen, her hand was limp, and there was something about it that did appear "off." I didn't have trouble believe Steve's analysis of my daughter's broken limb. We climbed into the car and drove quickly to Mercy hospital. (The same hospital where Addison was born)
Addison was a real trooper during this entire experience. She barely cried as long as we held her. At times, she wanted her daddy to hold her and other points she wanted mommy. We passed her back and forth gently each time she requested it. Waiting for the doctor, Addison fell lethargic, almost asleep.
Addison napping on me waiting for the doctor. It is her right arm that is broken; we tried to keep it gently on my soulder. Steve held Addison during her x-rays. I felt terrible for Steve and Addison. The x-ray tech was having trouble deciding how she wanted to position Addison's tiny arm under the machine. Addison was crying to whole time, because who wants a stranger to be messing with you arm that hurts? The x-ray tech gave Addison a purple bear for being so brave and good during her x-rays. Ever since, Addison has insisted on sleeping with it. (Every night, Addison has to sleep with 1. her "lamby" 2. her "paci" 3. her "blanky" and 4. her purple bear)
Addison had her arm wrapped and was put in a sling. She didn't like wearing the sling very much, but it really helped to keep her arm from moving. You can also see her new purple bear and her very stressed mommy!
I can't believe my baby girl already has had a broken arm. . .she's barely two! Steve and I have always stayed so close to her and have watched her so protectively. . . .we've been teased about it! And yet, it happened. As much I hate seeing my broken bird, I love seeing how she has risen above it. I have never seen her frustrated with her cast and I have seen her quickly and beautifully find ways to use just her one arm to accomplish all of her goals/desires. Addison has shown her cast to lots of people (whether they asked her or not). Addison holds up her cast, smiles, and says "slide."
She is a trooper!!!!
ReplyDeleteSteve is awesome for being so calm; I wonder if I would have freaked out myself!? I cannot believe he just knew by looking at it that it was broken. I cannot believe how calm A was as well.
She has been so great with her cast.